Flavia Floh Schaub, was born 1983 in Olten and grew up in Neuendorf.
After passing Matura at Kantonsschule Olten in 2004 and 2006 "Gestalterischer Vorkurs" at FHA in Aarau, she worked as Assistant for different photographers, also outside Switzerland. On the job she gained experience and learned her crafts in photography and retouching.
2013 she received the "Förderpreis des Kanton Solothurn" an award meant to support young artists by Kanton Solothurn.
2021 Kanton Solothurn awarded her with the "Fachpreis Fotografie".
She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland.
2023​ "Weirdos with Glasses", 23. August 2023 - 27. August 2023, PhotoVille4600, International Photo Festival, Olten
2021 „Flavia Schaub – Strukturen“, 12. November 2021 - 8. Januar 2022, Mokka Rubin, Olten
2020 „Flavia Schaub – Strukturen“, 1. Dezember 2020 – 30. Oktober 2021, Boutique Danoise, Basel
2020 „Tag der offenen Porte“, 10.10.2020, Klybeck, Basel
2018 Permanent presentation of large prints of works, Hotel Nomad, Basel
2017 "Art & Wheels Aftershow", 28.9.2017, Hotel Nomad, Basel
2013 "Kantonale Förderpreisträger 2013“, group exhibition, 20. September - 27. Oktober 2013, Künstlerhaus S11, Solothurn
2013 "Photostream", talk and pesentation of works, COQ D‘OR, Olten
2011 "PING PONG BASEL", ART Side Show, group exhibition, 15.-19. Juni 2011, M54, Basel